Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Of banans and dying men ...

I'm stuffing myself up with bananas that Nikhil refuses to have. I just want to get over with them because its adding to my overloaded self (shopping can be a very hectic job). The dead man on the footpath is just a passing thought. He died of hunger we argued. How foolish, he could beg, borrow or do just about anything to save his life! But, he preferred to die!

The bananas are still tasting sweet and filling, as they always do. I'm not GAUTAMA. I'm not selfish but i'm not a saint !!! When I do find time to look at the situation, I'm baffled at my own sardonic stance at the dead-man-on-the-street. I watched eagerly when the policeman jabbed his 'danda' at the face of the fly ridden face of the man who dared to die in his area of patrol. Had he an iota of life clinging on to his tattered body, it was clearly driven out by this 'polite action of this caring policeman'. Now, one would never expect a policeman to touch the nerves of this carcass with a tender touch of a nurse. No, I dont want the policemen to be such tender in their actions, I just want them to be HUMANE. Is it such a big ask? Perhaps the whole system needs an overhaul. How about having a Fisrt-Aid training program for the policemen to start with ???


Unknown said...

"they are proud of it"??? this one needs a discussion dude !!!

Big Elephant said...

a nice piece of writin there...i like the abstract style...